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SharePoint 2010 For Students – Baby Steps (2)




Ever since I started learning SharePoint, People have been asking me that question, People who have spent years in IT sector and even people who have attended sessions about SharePoint !

so,, my guess would be that everyone is kinda have a hint about what SharePoint is, but they are looking for that one simple sentence that says it all, the one making them feel like they rapped their hand around it and say : “AAH,, So that’s What SharePoint is all about !!”.

well, I don’t wanna play the bad guy here , but .. there is no such sentence Smile simply because SharePoint is not one simple thing, you don’t just go and buy a SharePoint…

so what is it !! It’s a group of Products, a platform , a collection of different technologies, all gathered to help build collaboration solutions.

With SharePoint you can build sites within Minutes ,, with Simple Clicks,, it is designed with built in templates that makes anybody (even not an IT person) Use it,, “

The thing I love about SharePoint is it’s capabilities, the infinite options that SharePoint can offer to its Users , with it you can build your own Intranet, extranet, private social network, professional network, search engine, and public-facing website.

you can even create your own blog using SharePoint, wikies, or document sharing interfaces and  Teams sites ,, Can you imagine editing the same word document with a team colleague at the same time ?!!

every one of these is a huge world by itself, as far as I know, no one has the knowledge of all about SharePoint, but once you have an Idea about what it is you can choose what tools and technologies can help build your solution, and stop worrying about learning and having fun exploring every new about it.

SharePoint and Office are close Friends, so if you don’t have troubles dealing with office, you wont find hard time dealing with SharePoint as an end user.

I think I have to mention that SharePoint is  a server product, you don’t get it and install it on your PC or Laptop ,, it’s installed on  backend systems and shared along a network,

So,, if I have got your attention and you wanna learn more about it, SharePoint MVP Mohamed Saleh Has started  a great series of posts on his Blog called baby steps , pointed to beginners and students who wanna learn about it ,,,

And I have the honor of joining him in this series by cross blogging posts, which means this post is circle 2 in the series, you can find SharePoint 2010 For Students – Baby Steps (1)” on his blog,,

Sharepoint-2010 (4)

more details are coming in next posts,,, the Two blogs will Connect with you all the way towards running the SharePoint road ,,, stay tuned Smile